questions and answers

What’s changed at labaatan?

We ran as a bi-monthly magazine for the first year and a half, which meant we’d have a pitching month and then a publishing month with no break in between for the following issues. With our 2024 relaunch, labaatan is now running as a three-issue per-year magazine. Each issue will run on a two-month basis (a pitching month and then a publishing month) at the same time every year, with a two-month break in between.

Why did you change the submission model?

To be completely honest, we were exhausted. Working on this magazine has been so much fun, but as it’s a) unpaid voluntary work and b) part-time to fit in with our jobs and education, we began to feel some burnout. 

The change means we’ll be publishing less, but we hope this will not only bolster the quality of content you’ll be receiving but also give our team some much-needed rest time to recuperate and get inspired with new ideas we can explore. 

So, is labaatan still unapid?

Unfortunately, yes. labaatan is, first and foremost, a passion project; it has no financial gain for any of us on the team. The only money we receive is a donation fee from a patron to keep the website running. With our relaunch, we’re actively seeking grants, funds, sponsorships, etc., to pay writers, creatives, and staff. When this happens (and hopefully sooner rather than later), we will let you all know ASAP!

When are you next opening your submissions? 

We are currently aiming for submissions to open in July. On Monday, July 1st, we’ll announce the theme and specific pitch requirements per section. 

Please follow our Instagram or Twitter to get updates on when submissions open.

How do I write for labaatan?

You can pitch us at 

Make sure the pitch includes 1-2 sentences on your experience as a writer (either editorial or education-based), links to your samples/portfolio, and your social media. 

The pitch should be 2-4 sentences long and outline your idea's key points and potential titles. Please do not send a complete draft; we won’t accept it.

If you are pitching a feature or an interview, please submit your pitch early in the submission period so we can schedule time with your interviewee. 

Are we forgetting anything else?

Oh yeah… if you want to contact us for media and PR inquiries or just to say hi, please email!